Wednesday, January 19, 2005


that's just something that everyone has to join in JC... overheard some converstaion that day about some gal who wants to get A for CCA...

i was just wondering what's so important about getting these stuff? i mean... 3 S papers, freaking (and i mean FREAKING) hell lot of CCAs, council etc etc... what's the point? scholarship? what's the point of scholarship? get to good U? what's the point? earn more money when you come out?

sigh... went into some depression the other day.. nearly gave up on studying.. but i guess sometimes there are just angels around who picked us up and yeah.. we study because this is a process that He wants us to go through, and i suppose we want to do our best for Him and no one else...

what's the point of earning the whole wide world in the exchange of our soul?

and the ramblings go on...

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