Tuesday, July 26, 2011




KT 2nd5



KT 2nd20

KT 2nd7

也许是老了,只会不停唠叨以往的回忆。讲这句话肯定招来破口大骂,毕竟岁数连三字起头都还不到嘛。身体老不老不是一回事;心志老不老就大件事咯。只希望自己能把往事当前车之鉴,吸取经验使心不死 - 所谓哀莫大于心死就是此意吧。

KT 2nd12


KT 2nd28

虽然哥打丁宜没什么看头,但至少对榴莲粉丝还算接了个交代 - 对吾人就真的成为虐待。

KT 2nd49

KT 2nd54

Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Joy of Growing Up


You see, only kids look forward to growing up. Sometimes I feel that as an adult, we’re too focused on our past.

No doubt, time passed at a rate that we never would have imagined. But whenever we stop looking forward, it’s when we have grown old – whether you are 80 or 18.

It’s a pity because I didn’t grow up with the people in the photo. Some of them were as young as the toddler when they knew each other, and today they are carrying other toddlers.

But of course, I say this not with a pinch of regret, because I do enjoy my childhood tremendously. And because I shift around so much, I can remember clearly things that happened when I was 3.

Together Again

Looking forward, we can only pray that these kids will continue to be in the Lord, and to grow to be like Him everyday.

It’s a joy, really, to grow up and to look back knowing that we’ve been through so much.


I bet Caleb will be furious when he sees this picture at my age.