Tuesday, November 01, 2011



I’ve never really thought that working is such a chore. You clock in, do your best in a 9 hour stint, and clock out. There’s no need to drag over it, and you know that you have full freedom after you clock out from work. No need to worry for it like an exam.

Wrong. Quite wrong frankly. Working is really quite irritating after all. You realized that the amount of time you have is reduced by 80%, and if you’re doing something you don’t really like, it’s like shooting in your face 3,000 times a day.

The cycle starts like this: you wake up, you think of what you’re going to face at work, and you wish that you can take MC so you don’t have to go to office. But then, you know that the consequence is severe, because there’s gonna be a tonne of backlog. So you drag your sorry self down and wish for the end of the day.

Cycle x300 working days. Definitely worse than studying. At least I only have to worry about exam when I study.

Just have to rant it out coz I really had a bad day and nobody wants to talk to me. Fine and dandy.

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