Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The King

Been reading 1 & 2 Samuel these days in QT and cant help but to notice again how remarkable David was. Yes it was taught untold times in Sunday schools and sermons but it is always different when we read it ourselves and think about it ourselves, because His words are so wonderful.

David was merely a boy when he was anointed and he waited for about ~15 years? before he became the king of Israel. In the course he had several chances to kill the former king and establish himself as king, so maybe it would have amount to a cut down of ~5 years? but he didnt do so and the Lord establish him as, arguably, the best human king in Israelite history. The amount of patience and fear of Lord is intriguing and inspiring, for us people living in the 21st century. With all these instant gratifications that we crave for, it is hard just to stand by the decision to wait for the Lord.

The statue above is a depiction of David by Michaelangelo when he was about to go off to fight Goliath. It took Michaelangelo 3 years to finish the project in 1504 with a monolith of marble. These types of sculpture art are considered the highest form because it mimics Creation, and thus the nudity does not appear as obscene, but rather as perfection.

But of course, the statue is not of most importance. Rather, it is His words and David's example of how we should fear the Lord that is.

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