Wednesday, February 13, 2008


For what seems like a very long break, it certainly does take a toll on a very tired me. havent been blogging a while because i've been utterly caught up with all the things that's going on - school work, new stuff for Rockers, upcoming TGIO, talent quest gig (which we're playing tonite at Dempsey), and most of all, the special day tomorrow...

and of course, there's the less important ba kua news like our dear Mr Edison Chen making it big in the internet. with Ms Chung and a host of other lady stars. Seriously, entertaintment business feels like just a hoax with all these stuff going around.

March is the crunch month with all gig (talent quest, production, TGIO, jazz band, open house, Rockfest) stuff, not forgetting our very all-time-favourite mid term test. so i guess this space gonna be a bit mouldy. Not like it's not mouldy rite now.

tata ppl. and work hard. or else it'll be too late to apologise~~.. it's too late~~

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