Sunday, November 25, 2007

Console vs PC?

Lately, it has been very stressful. With exams and all coming to you like deathrows, it feels kinda tight and suffocated. Well anyways, that's why i'm here to post this. In a way, i always feel that great revelations occur together. I mean, if you study science, you'll know that a certain someone once discovered a certain something independently with another certain someone at different place at about the same time. It's true. there has been endless accounts of people discovering stuff only to realise that he's maybe 1 day or 2 days later than the other guy who's like 30,000 miles away or something. Makes you wonder if we humans are destined to know these certain truths at a certain time.

But i digress. Looking at 2007, it has been a great year. Especially for the gaming industry. With the arrival of many consoles such as PS3, XBOX 360, Wii... More a marketting gimick than some divine revelation as in science, gone are the good ol' days when the very first Playstation rule the world, with very puny resistance from the likes of Sega Dreamcast (huh?? what is that?? exactly.) In fact, there's so many to choose from, you'd probably have to own all 3 in order to play all your favourite games.

PC used to be the most zai gaming platform ever. There was the first RTS ever, and i even remembered playing the very first Doom on a 486 computer. That was when Nintendo was firing away with their Mario Bros. Over the years, games has evolved of course. Now the graphics, gameply, control and more recently, the online features are all something which a game needs to sell big. In fact, it has evolved so much that the government has step in (not only about piracy, of course) to put their foot down.

Mass Effect, an XBOX 360 game which was initially banned by MDA in Singapore but later rated as M18.

So the big question remains - is our grand old daddy gamin' platform PC going down the drain? With so much firepower from the graphics of PS3, the online features of XBOX 360 live and heck the tiring (very tiring actually) control of the Wii, is the PC going to be outdated to become merely a word processing machine?

The answer is NO. Not in a million years. Quite simply, the consoles can never beat the PC. With the development of hardwares and most notably the graphics card, the gaming industry has always centralised around developing games for the PC, albeit some fantastic ones from Sony. Well only some. In terms of graphics, PC is waaaaaaaaaayyyyy beyond that of the consoles. Even if it's not, it will be in maybe a couple of months after the console is launched? Which is like now if you consider PS3 being launched a few months ago.

Crysis, the most demanding game of 2007. PS3's engine will probably cry before it can load the menu screen.

Well, that's just the graphics. What about gameplay and replayability? Ahh.. so have you heard of any game still being played competitively after it's been released for more than 10 years? No? you're wrong. Of course there is and it's none other than the Korean national sport - on a PC.

If you dont know this game, you shouldnt be wasting time reading this.

Simply put, PC just beats the consoles hands down. We dont even venture into the online features or the controls (playing FPS on an analog controller just stinks - however you look at it). So there you are, the grand ol daddy of gaming. *salutes*

I'm bored. Exams are driving me nuts.

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