Saturday, August 25, 2007


When i stepped into the Rockers room 1 year ago, i didnt know it would be the most nerve wrecking experience i'd ever had. there were about 15 plus ppl inside the little room, and you're suppose to sit on this very old high chair with a mic in front of you.

'what song are you going to play today?' and you're off to show some skills. Some of them were reading magazines when u play and some of them sniggers. HA HA. you'd actually felt kinda awkward and like damn lousy coz you're exposed by yourself to play something which might not impress people.

Just came back from jazz band auditions just now. Well, it was a lot better than the Rockers one but it's hard to say from their expressions whether you'd get in or not. Arent all auditions like that. It's gonna be my turn to read magazines and sniggers next week. be warned. HAHA.

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