Sunday, May 06, 2007

Spiderman 3

Fantastic film, i must say. It came out on May 1st, and i really couldnt get a single double slot seat side by side on the internet booking system on 30th April, from the 130pm show all the way until the 950pm's. So i have to watch it on 2nd May. Yes it is the blockbuster of the year, although i'm still waiting for Pirates to beat it when it comes out. It's about the dark side of Spiderman and how revenge and hatred can overcome one's senses sometimes to do something really nasty. Favourite character: the new goblin. Go and watch. It's a 9.5/10 show.

1 comment:

Dorcas said...

i dun like it.
Can't wait for pirate though, Chow Hun Fatt is in it, his latest attempt to speak english i guess!