I wanted to learn Jap language for the longest time. In fact, before i went to uni, I had a set of CDs (which i have lost btw) i brought over to aussie while helping my sis with her wedding.. seems like a lifetime ago..
anw yes the CDs. It’s to learn Jap. But i never get to practice it. When i went to uni, instead of studying Jap (coz a lot of fakers inside if you know what i mean), i chose German, which turns out to be somewhat untamed. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t like German but staying over here at Singapore really restricts a lot of German interaction.
Unlike Jap. I found myself playing Jap games, Jap toys, watching Jap animes, Jap drama and having Jap books which i have no idea what they are talking about.
It irks me quite a bit when they mumble some stuff and you know what they meant by the nuances and the little phrases that you get through the Kanji pronunciation, but at the same time you don’t know what they are really saying.
SO. I’m starting over again. Found a super duper zai website in case you want to start learning Jap too. I figured that since i know Kanji characters i’d be better off learning it than some other languages (try Korean).
Hopefully this time round i can succeed. haha!