Proof that I’m at Pulau NTU
To be honest, this is the first time that i’m using something called Windows Live Writer. That’s why i’m posting this actually.
But of course that can’t be my only reason rite?? Since i’ve got a phone with a *decent* camera and since i had nothing better to do when i was at Pulau NTU during lunch time, i’ve decided to snap some stuff to share here about this very lonely place at the far west of Singapore.
There. This is the place where i actually worked. Codenamed SIMTech, and has been around for like centuries or something? You’d know why if you read on.
Out on the way to lunch there’s this very nice building (?) with like a garden going up the roof. I think is our equivalent of SDE department. But SDE where got so chio.
Alrite on to my work. Above is the polishing machine, otherwise known as The Grinder. (I gave that name to it myself). Unlike those we use at the undergraduate lab in NUS, this one can mount magnetic polishing cloth, and if your samples are prepared to size using epoxy (which unfortunately cannot apply in my situation), you can just let the machine do the work.
So which engine will you join if you want to know more about polishing metals and polishing your boss’ shoes? Material Science Engine of course. After a half an hour job, you can see your face in the Stainless Steel. Tough job ok, you get blisters.
Research institutes are highly advanced place with sophisticated machine and top-notch technological advancement. NOOOT. The com I use runs on Windows 98, rendering my USB drive useless and the only way to extract data is to use FLOPPY DISKS!?!?!?! i cant even get them on the market. C’mmon man, i bet one bottle of chemicals in the lab can get you a better desktop.
And lastly, just some very interesting observations that an NUS student will always make when they visit NTU.
“uhh, soooo, how to name the halls arh?”
“ohh i know know of a super creative way!! why don’t we name them Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 3 and so on!!! sooo easy to remember!”
“wah you so smart! how about the canteen leih?”
“uhhh, how about Canteen 1, Canteen 2, Canteen 3 and so on??”
“wahh you really smart and eciffient. just like the gahmen.”