Thursday, July 08, 2010

I am officially…

a BEng. yeap. that’s what they called it here when you graduate. A B.Eng. Bachelor of Engineering that is.

oh well, time really does pass at quite a pace. I’ve been in Singapore for nearly a decade now, and it feels like yesterday. Last world cup, i was not even freshman in university. Now i’m a graduate. Btw, i just want to say that – OCTOPUS PAUL IS DUMB. even though it predicted correctly and Spain won. Cmmon guys, how superstitious can you get.

World Cup aside, i’ve finally made it through convocation. Not like it’s particularly hard, but for many of us, it has been the day that we’ve been waiting for since primary one.

Aye, but my sis is not around. In fact she hasn’t been to Singapore for dunno how many years. I will personally kill her if she gives some excuse not to come for my wedding next time.

Enjoy the pics :D





The gang has graduated. Too bad Peter is one sem slower.